Today was a steadily busy day, but it wasn't stressful at all. There was a lot happening, but it was happening pretty smoothly. This morning, we all met and planned the day before we went our separate ways. I spent a little time in the office, and some time driving through the park and checking in with the staff. One ranger was working on the morning cleanup and blowing off the walkways around the spring. Another ranger blew off all of the roadways and parking lots. The park looked fantastic for about an hour, until the trees dropped another steady layer of leaves on the ground. I talked to one of our biologists about some resource management projects to add to our database. I checked in with the Ranger Academy trainers to make sure that everything was going well for them. In the afternoon, I got to meet the Ranger Academy class and watch our Park Manager give a presentation to welcome the group to Wekiwa. I took care of a few things at the youth camp and headed home. I had to return later in the evening to check on a gas leak in the kitchen. We were able to relight the pilots on the stove and all was well. I stuck around the Ranger Academy campfire for a little while since I was there. It was great to be among so many like-minded people doing something that we love. There were several people with instruments and musical talent who were gracious enough to entertain us. It was a nice way to spend the evening.
While I was on the go today, back and forth on the park drive, I saw quite a few animals. The park was quiet enough that there were Deer, Turkey, and Fox Squirrels grazing right next to the park drive. I love this park.
I was also near a burn zone that was burned shortly before I started at Wekiwa. I have
blogged photos of this area before, but it has really greened up dramatically since mid March.
Thought of the Day #71
The point was made at the campfire tonight, that sitting around a fire is deeply rooted in our human history. Its interesting to think that we are doing the same activity that people have done for thousands of years. Its an amazing force that can bring so many people together. I think everyone has memories of sitting around a fire with plenty of good conversation. Our discussion
Monday about technology in the campground shows how much some things have changed, but its nice when some things stay the same.
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